Evaluation of land

Evaluation of land

Expert monetary evaluation of land plots and their rights is carried out to determine the value of the object of valuation. Expert land valuation is used in civil land transactions and land rights.

IMPORTANT! Please pay attention that our company only conducts EXPERT MONEY EVALUATION OF THE LAND, other types of evaluations listed below (e.g., normative) are not performed.

How much does land evaluation cost?

The approximate cost of land evaluation for presentation to a notary is 1000 UAH, the term of performance – 1 day. If it is necessary to prepare a report for presentation in court, such service costs 2000-2500 UAH. The price of services for the evaluation of atypical land plots, as well as land for commercial purposes is determined individually.

Why would you need land evaluation?

Expert land evaluation is most often ordered in the following cases:

  • Conducting a land purchase-sale transaction.
  • Transfer of land on pledge (mortgage).
  • For accounting purposes.
  • Division of property upon divorce or other legal disputes.
  • What do you need for land evaluation?

    The following documents are required for an expert land evaluation:

  • The state act on the right of ownership of land or other document confirming the right of ownership. If the state act does not contain the cadastral number of the land plot – a certificate of its assignment is required.
  • Passport of the owner (co-owner) of the land plot.
  • When carrying out an expert evaluation of the rights to land owned by State enterprises, the package of documents required for land valuation is determined individually.

    Our company has all the permits for carrying out expert evaluation of the land, namely:

  • certificate of the State Property Fund of Ukraine with an open specialization «real estate valuation, including land valuation»;
  • qualification certificates of appraisers, qualification certificates, extracts from the State Register of Appraisers.
  • We will be glad to see you among our clients, call us!

    Reference. What types of land valuation exist?

    Depending on the purpose and method of valuation, land is divided into these types:

  • Soil Protection. Information on boniting as an integral part of the state land cadastre. The results of the boniting form the basis of the economic valuation of agricultural land and are taken into account in determining the ecological suitability of soils for growing crops. Also, the results of the boniting are used to predict losses in agriculture in the production of various products, in particular forests.
  • Economic valuation of land. The economic valuation of land is taken into account in the normative monetary valuation of land, which will be discussed below, in the analysis of land use efficiency compared with other natural resources. This type of evaluation also determines whether a particular site is suitable for a particular crop.
  • Monetary valuation of land plots. Monetary valuation of land is divided into two types depending on the purpose and order of the: normative monetary and expert monetary estimation.
  • Normative monetary valuation is needed in most cases to determine:

  • tax on land;
  • fees for the gift or inheritance of plots;
  • rental rate for land plots.
  • The “norm” is calculated from reference data on the fertility of agricultural land, either on the basis of data on the cost of building the infrastructure of a settlement. The significance of normative assessment is some abstraction that goes back to Soviet times, when the notion of the market value of land did not exist, so it was necessary to rely on various artificial parameters and indicators. Why this type of assessment is still not abolished – it is not clear. The normative assessment is usually issued by the state authorities together with the extractor from the State Land Cadastre.

    Expert monetary valuation of the land is the kind of activity that our appraisal company does. Land valuation involves the determination of the market value of a land parcel. But the market value, as you know, this is the price for which the plot can be sold. If you are interested in what other types of value and what is the “purpose of the evaluation”, we recommend reading the article: “property evaluaton”.

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